Reviewing The Best Metronome Apps Of 2023
These apps were ranked as the best metronome apps, but how good are they really? Which one is actually the best?
Most tempo markings are in Italian, French, or German. We've translated them and show the bpm.
A tempo marking lets you know the speed (called tempo) at which the composer wants a piece of music performed. Tempo markings are usually written as a word that corresponds with a number, which you will see below, or in beats per minute (bpm). For example, Allegro means fast and is a tempo between 120 bpm and 168 bpm. The composer could write Allegro or 120bpm. Notice that I wrote "between 120 and 168 beats per minute," as it is very common for tempo markings to encompass a range. The musician or conductor is free to choose where in this range the piece is performed.
If the tempo is written just as beats per minute, the composer will show you which note value is receiving the beat. For example, in common time, the quarter note received the beat. Composers would notate the tempo as Quarter note = 120bpm.
You'll see tempo markings most often written in Italian. Here is a list of common tempo markings and their metronome mark range. You'll notice that many of the words end with -issimo or -etto. -issimo means "extremely" and -etto meaning a "lesser version" of. A great example of this is with Largo (slow); Larghissimo is extremely slow and Larghetto is less slow (or faster) than Largo.
Tempo Marking | Translation | Beats Per Minute |
Larghissimo | Very, very slow | 20 bpm or slower |
Solenne/Grave | Slow and solemn | 20 - 40 bpm |
Lento | Slowly | 40 - 60 bpm |
Lentissimo | At a very slow tempo | 48 bpm or slower |
Largo | Broadly | 40 - 60 bpm |
Larghetto | Rather broadly | 60 - 66 bpm |
Adagio | At ease, slow and stately | 66 - 76 bpm |
Adagietto | Rather slow | 70 - 80 bpm |
Tranquillo | Tranquil, calmly, or peaceful | 80 bpm |
Andante moderato | A bit slower than Andante | 92 - 98 bpm |
Tempo Marking | Translation | Beats Per Minute |
Andante | At a walking pace, moderately slow | 72 - 76 bpm |
Andantino | Slighlty faster and more light-hearted than Andante | 73 - 83 bpm |
Moderato | Moderately | 108 - 120 bpm |
Allegretto | Moderately fast, but less than allegro | 100 - 128 bpm |
Tempo Marking | Translation | Beats Per Minute |
Allegro moderato | Moderately quick, almost Allegro | 116 - 120 bpm |
Allegro | Fast, quickly and bright | 120 - 156 bpm |
Vivace | Briskly, Lively and fast | 156 - 176 bpm |
Vivacissimo | Very fast and lively, faster than Vivace | 172 - 176 bpm |
Allegrissimo or Allegro vivace | Very Fast | 172 - 176 bpm |
Presto | Very, very fast | 168 - 200 bpm |
Prestissimo | Faster than Presto | 200+ bpm |
Sometimes you will see the tempo written in the native language of the composer (typically French, German, or English).
Tempos will usually vary during a piece of music. This can happen gradually or all of a sudden. Here are some musical terms you might see that indicate a change in tempo:
A common mistake students make when practicing music is to set their metronome to the tempo marking and try to play it. If the passage is simple, this might work (but then why are you practicing it?), but a smarter approach is to set your metronome at least 20 bpm slower.
Try playing the passage at this slower tempo and see if you can play it perfectly. If you can, then increase the tempo by 2 to 4 BPM and then play through it again. Repeat this process unit you can play the passage perfectly 12 BPM faster than the tempo marking in the music. This will ensure you have the dexterity to play confidently play through it during a performance.
These apps were ranked as the best metronome apps, but how good are they really? Which one is actually the best?
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Tempo markings can be written as a word, or as a number (BPM). What does that number actually mean?